Allergies, PCOD/PCOS, Menstrual disorders, Gastric complaints, ADHD, Behavioural issues, bedwetting, Insomnia, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Migraine, Hypertension, UTI, Lifestyle disorders, Irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, Arthritis, Gout, Hyperacidity, GERD, Piles, Anal fissures, Motion sickness, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, Psoriasis, eczema/ dermatitis, kidney stones, UTI
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Our team will consult you over the call, video and analyse your complaints
Your medicines at your door-step along with the diet tips
Timely & Proactive follow-ups to your health
Dr Sayee Sable...Shop No. 11 & 12, Gr. Floor, Shivpushpa Landmark Bldg, Sun City Rd, Wadgaon Bk, Anand Nagar, Maharashtra Pune India | |
+91 7821923871 | |
sayee.sable@gmail.com | |
W: https://drsayeesable.com | |